6 Social Media Marketing Gaffes to be Avoided

6 Social Media Marketing Gaffes to be Avoided

Once your website is designed, it is time to think about your website marketing. After the website design stage, your focus should be on how you are going to get people to view your existing (or new) website. Social media marketing is something that many businesses do. It helps them to brand their business and get it out there in the public eye. It establishes a more personal connection between the business and prospective customers  – warming them up to make that purchase and talk to their friends about it.

However, there are some mistakes that can easily be made that can hurt your company badly. Since a good reputation is an essential in business, you need to know what they are so you can avoid them. Here are some of them.

  • Businesses go after ‘Likes’ especially on places such as Facebook. Sometimes they do it by using a controversial headline that has nothing to do with the business or the product they are selling. They may get many likes or tweets about it, but it does nothing for their business and genuine potential customers will not be fooled, knowing why you have done it. The main result will be that people who could have been loyal customers will be turned off.
  • Similarly, you can actually buy likes and followers. You may think this is a good idea in theory, but in reality it is not. Such people will have little or no interest in you or your product and so will not interact in any way with you. The idea of getting genuine likes and follows is so that people will spread the word about your product.


5 Tips For Growing Your Business Using YouTube

5 Tips For Growing Your Business Using YouTube

Digital marketing, including things like search engine marketing, social media marketing and email marketing, is extremely important if you want to become successful in the online space. In the past, anyone with a half-decent website and a willingness to work could make a decent amount of money online without too much trouble. However, this has changed in the past decade or so, as the internet has expanded exponentially – to over 650 million websites – and everyone has tried to take their slice of the digital pie.

This means that, if you are serious about becoming a successful online business person in the modern world, you need to learn how to use digital marketing. One of the most cost-effective ways to increase your online presence using digital marketing is via social media marketing (SMM). Platforms like YouTube are often overlooked when it comes to SMM, but they can actually be extremely effective.

Below are our top 5 tips for growing your online business using YouTube:

  1. Create a dedicated business channel:

First off, it is important to realise that you need to create your own dedicated business channel on YouTube. Don’t try and promote your business via your personal channel or some other channel, as this is unprofessional, and will be seen as such by potential clients.

  1. Upload a business introduction:

Unless you already have an established YouTube channel which your business has been operating through for some time, you should consider uploading a business introduction video. Include information about who you are, what you do and why you believe that you are good at what you do. Remember to link to this from your main business website.
